Realizing the Potential of Data Science

“Realizing the Potential of Data Science” from NSF Study Co-Led by Rutenbar

As part of his work on the NSF CISE Advisory Committee, Rutenbar co-chaired, with Dr. Francine Berman, a committee that studied ways to realize the potential of Data Science across all fields of NSF. This led to a CACM article, video, and feature story.

Francine Berman, Rob Rutenbar, Brent Hailpern, Henrik Christensen, Susan Davidson, Deborah Estrin, Michael Franklin, Margaret Martonosi, Padma Raghavan, Victoria Stodden, Alexander S. Szalay, “Realizing the Potential of Data Science”, Communications of the ACM, April 2018, Vol. 61 No. 4, Pages 67-72